Copyright of International Journal of Simulation - Systems, Science & Technology is the property of UK Simulation Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission.Results of experiment show a high degree of convergence with the results obtained when an electronic hard-wired controller was utilized The created Sub VI was used as a controller in a closed loop which controls an oven temperature. The issues of integral windup, derivative overrun, output signal limits and sampling interval Δt were treated. The designed virtual instrument includes all the necessary components and facilities necessary to function properly and to control any linear process. Abstract: By using LabVIEW (G language), a PID control algorithm was simulated.This documentation was created using LABVIEW report generation toolkits. In this thesis a professional documentation based on word file was created where the entire information available including ICE VS VCE graph. In every project or assignments, a good documentation is one of the most important tasks. To solve this task, different local variables were used to transfer data between the states. Furthermore, transferring data from one state to another state is a crucial task for all the design patterns in the LABVIEW. Beside of these, the method of creating CSV file was shown in this thesis. All the devices are accommodated to create a user friendly program for the static measurement. There was another important device (SM 18-220 DC programmable power supply) used to generate a pulse.

Furthermore, the key devices of the thesis are CDAQ devices which are supported by NI and used to accomplish different tasks such as NI 9239 was used for measuring analog voltage and current, NI 9263 was used to generate output voltage and NI 9212 was used as a thermocouple. After that, a state machine design pattern was chosen for the static measurement. Before making a program for the static measurement, different types of design patterns have been discussed in this thesis. Therefore, this master thesis addresses to create an automated system for semiconductor test setup using LABVIEW. There are different kinds of software to create an automated system but, among of them LABVIEW have been using for more than 20 years in the automation process. Beside of this, nowadays automation process is also utilized in the electrical measurement system. It is used to reduce human involvement in the fabrication operations. Automation is getting popular in the semiconductor manufacturing industries.